Sunday, March 19, 2017

4 Weeks Out.......

Everyday gets closer and closer to the goal I committed to a year ago. Everyday I have to have that discipline and that commitment to get me where I want to be. Those drops of sweat I live on the gym floor. The temptations of food in my house, at the office, or just in general. The donuts, the pizza, the wine, the everything I have had to try so hard to refrain from eating.

I have trusted everything Rachel has told me over the past 3 years and everything we have done as worked. I trust her as a friend and as a trainer. This is an absolute science but it has worked. I couldn't have wanted to work with any other person because she cares about me as I have gone through the process. Making sure I am feeling okay, that I understand everything, and that I am comfortable with it.

When I did my trial run last fall, I didn't realize how much work and commitment it takes to do this. This is a sport because it takes every last ounce of work to improve. Improving the body. Improving the nutrition. Keeping sanity. Improving discipline. Everything I have done the last 10 weeks is the same amount of work any athlete would do to improve what they love. All training that we do  is to improve ourselves in one way or another. The 6 days a week of cardio and lifting, the 6 meals a day to fuel my body for the energy, the times when I didn't want to get up but won't give up, it is all worth it.

These next 4 weeks will be even harder than the last 10 but I have to remind myself of the will power that I have. I have learned so much the last 4 years, that I know I can succeed at the next 4 weeks and be the best ME I can be. Will it be hard? YES. Will it be worth it? HELL YES. 

Today I started some new nutrition and I'm excited to see how it changes my body. Less carbs, lots of veggies, and protein. High, high, high carbs every once in a while. 

I bought all kinds of vegetable mixes so that I won't get bored with them. I am excited for a little change but I have to keep it simple and easy. Green beans, sugar snap peas, peppers, zucchini, salads, tomatoes, brussel sprouts, asparagus. Chicken, tilapia, and salmon. Eggs and Cream of Wheat.

The next 4 weeks I will push. I will push as hard as I can in the gym. I will push through every temptation. I will succeed. I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. 

I will get the confidence I need for on that stage because I know I have it. I just have to let it shine the way that I can during any normal day. I'm an athlete, I'm a competitor. I am a woman who has found herself from the inside out and loves herself. My eyes glitter with self-confidence that was never there before. 

Am I perfect, no. But I am me and I will own me. 

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