Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Look into my Weekly Meal Prepping

I get a lot of questions about what I eat, prepping, etc. so I am going to try and explain it here for you all in hopes to give you ideas, suggestions, or whatever it is you need to help you out on your journey.

So due to the size of my oven, meal prepping for me generally takes a couple hours because my oven is small and can literally only fit one tray at a time into it. So unless I combine things into one dish or do the slow cooker I do spend a good amount of time cooking. I'm not saying this is how it will be for you by all means.

Right now I'm following a 12 week program trial run for competition prep so my meals are fairly boring. I try to keep things simple and easy for the sake of logging the food into My Fitness Pal and tracking.  When I'm not so one track I do enjoy trying new recipes.

With my current program, I am doing carbohydrate cycling so I have 3 low carb days and 1 high carb day. I base my prepping on that. For those of you who do macros, here what my days usually look like.

Low Carb Days - 5 meals every 3 hours
Carbs - 100g
Protein - 250g
Calories - 1,800 to 2,000
Sodium - under 2,500

High Carb Days - 5 meals every 3 hours
Carbs - 250g
Protein - 150g
Calories - 1,800 to 2,000
Sodium - under 2,500
Fat - as little as possible

I generally prepare/have a lot of the following foods.

Carbs - sweet potatoes, golden potatoes, Grape Nuts cereal, oats, berries, veggies (broccoli, green beans, celery, cucumber, etc.), Cream of Wheat, rice cakes
Protein - chicken, turkey burger (extra lean 99%), fish (tilapia, tuna, etc.), protein powder, eggs, egg whites, greek yogurt
Fats - avocado, peanut butter, almonds

I add some iodized salt, pepper, and other seasonings to my food when I cook it. I just use what flavors sound good to me at that moment so it changes all of the time. Now, with this current program I do weigh or measure out everything I'm eating so that I know exactly what I am consuming. Prior to do this I didn't do this and I just eye balled it. However with trying to be as exact as possible, it really opens up my visual effects that I wasn't eating what I thought I was. So it might sound crazy and over the top but it really helps.

Silk Cashewmilk, Kirkland Greek Yogurt,
Kirkland Egg Whites, Four Bean Salad (Costco)

Tilapia before cooked
Grape Nuts and Cream of
 Note: I didn't really think the process of blogging this out very well so please bear with me for what photos I do have. :)

Blueberries, Raspberries,
Strawberries, and Chicken
Venison Back Strap and
Round Steaks, Tilapia
Broccoli, Turkey Burger,
and Sweet Potatoes
Kale Salad (Costco), Celery,
and Cucumbers              

I have measured everything out here and put into ziploc baggies for ease. I will write on the baggies if I need to in order to remember how much is in there (usually on the meats if they don't come out weighing what I need).

I am not sure how well this helps anyone, but hopefully it gives some sort of guideline. I will work on making a post in the next day or so with photos of my meals. Please keep in mind though I usually eat almost the same things each day because it is working for me and less thinking of what to grab on a daily basis if I already have it prefigured.

Let me know if you would like to see more detail, photos, recipes, etc. and I am happy to share.

Punched the S*** out of My Own Face Today!

Most of you know that I ramble my thoughts out when I write and this is going to be another one of those cases. I promised myself that I ...