Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Here I go....14 Weeks Out! (Post from 1/6/17)

This post is actually from my journal from 1/6/17 but I have been so busy that I haven't had time to get it out to everyone else yet. So here it goes.....

The time has come to get real. Time to get serious. The commitment I made to last February is here and it is go time. These last few months have been a ride. Life in general is good, not perfect, but good. I'm still trying to figure out how to live for me and to be okay with that. I'm loving me but I have to figure out the rest.

I made a commitment to myself and it is time to follow through. I completed my trial run of prep for a competition in November and I felt amazing through it all. Tweaking as we went and figuring it all out. Watching my body change over the weeks and really being able to see what I am capable of. 

I have talked the talk the last few months and now it is time to prove to myself that I got this. I don't need to prove it to anyone else. I know people will be there to cheer me on and support me but those people aren't who I'm doing this for. Do I need their support?? Absolutely!!!! But I am doing this for me. I am doing this competition because I have gone through such a transformation that I want to prove to myself that anything is possible after all of what I have accomplished. I committed to doing this for me. I have gone through the transformation of a shy overweight mom/wife to a mom full of sparkle and muscles. 

I'm ready to put in the work that is needed. I am 14 weeks out from being on a stage in a bikini!!!! Like seriously, is this really happening??

It didn't really set in until I received my training and nutrition schedule from Rachel. That made everything real. Time to see what I am made of. Can I manage the schedule of being in the gym, work, nutrition, and still being a mom/wife at home. Time management will have to be my friend. 

No excuses!!!! No Pain No Gain!!!

These are my starting photos from 12/31/16. Photos to be taken weekly!

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